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5 Gallon Honey Bottling Bucket with Deluxe "Perfection-Style" gate

Sale price$40.49 Regular price$44.99

When it comes to bottling honey, you'll love our bottling bucket with Deluxe "Perfection-Style" honey gate. A standard honey gate is really not a great option for bottling honey, as it's hard to get a clean shut-off between bottles, and honey leaks out from a pretty wide space. With our Deluxe "Perfection-Style" gate, the honey comes out where it's supposed to, and shuts off clean every time. Well worth the money!

Please note: due to the design of the honey gate, this bucket should be used for bottling only, not for honey storage or for draining your extractor. The valve handle extends past the edge of the bucket slightly, so if it's set on the ground with honey in it, it could lift the handle and leak honey.